New shipment of books came into today, adding some fresh titles to the mix in anticipation of our grand (keep-) opening on Saturday! Among them are:
Shoot Like a Girl - Autobiography of Mary Jennings Hegar and her harrowing and heroic service as an Air National Guard pilot for three tours in Afghanistan and her fight to open up more roles in our nation's military for women, and for official recognition of the front-line roles female soldiers were already in.
Princesses Behaving Badly - A look at the historical lives of princesses throughout the ages, decidedly less romantic and much more bloody than Disney would have you believe.
Daughters of the Storm - The kicking off point for a new high fantasy series. Drawing inspiration from Norse mythology and fantasy writers like Naomi Novik, Peter V. Brett, and Robin Hobb, here we have a tale of siblings vying for the throne - specifically five sisters against their inept step-sibling currently perched upon it.
The Diamond Setter - And award-winning Israeli novel, it tells of the unexpected connections between a Syrian immigrant and an Israeli soldier - in both present day Tel Aviv and the recent past of Israel and Palestine.