I’ve been participating in a book study about gratitude. The book is called Gratitude: A Way of Teaching. It is interesting how much the author, who is a teacher, has seen positive changes in his students by employing different techniques to share gratitude as a way of life with them.
There are a lot of studies which show that people who practice gratitude regularly - those who are grateful in big things and in small - are much happier people. I believe it! It’s pretty darn hard to be unhappy when you recognize people and things in your life that you are grateful for.
He also talks about helping his students recognize the negativity of complaining and entitlement and working with them to move away from complaining through some simple activities. Don’t get me wrong, the activities are simple in theory, but putting them into practice is challenging. I think many of us don’t even realize how often we complain - until we try to change that habit.
While I have much to learn, always, I am finding that this book study and the accompanying videos and activities are really motivating and could be put into practice on so many levels.
For more information about the book and activities, you can look on https://gratefulness.org/ Under the heading “explore”, which is a drop down menu, you will find “ecourses”. Click on that and scroll down to Gratitude: A Way of Teaching. While you are on the website, be sure to check out the other great options.